Review the 52.2- Worlds’ Finest #1

Well, as many of you may know I dropped the ball on this one, it’s been out for almost a month and I haven’t touched it until now. I honestly wasn’t excited about this series. I think it fell 5th out of the 6 Second Wave titles on my list. The first and second items on the list (Earth 2 and Batman Inc.) were absolutely brilliant, which elevated my interests in this particular issue. Despite this, my feministic hatred (I tend to be a bit of a feminist when it comes to female comic book characters) of Power Girl kept me at bay. It wasn’t until my poll “Best of the New 52” revealed that it was much loved by all. In fact, as unlikely as it was, it claimed enough votes to be comfortably seated at 3rd. After just one issue. So I bought it, and here is what I liked:

1. Helena Wayne rocks. I love the idea of Batman and Catwoman having a kick as grown up daughter.
2. The references to Michael Holt. Despite the fact no one read his series, I love his character.
3. Karen Starr (Power Girl) has a purpose in this universe. She actively owns and operates STAR Labs. No small task.
4. Power Girl’s new  costume. NO MORE BOOB FLAP!!!!!
5. It’s set in Japan. And I have a huge bias towards Japanese things. If it has something Japanese (even the country) I will automatically believe that it rocks.

Rating before reading: 3

Rating after reading: 7

Wow. This comic was solid. All of my fears were invalid, and all of my hopes were answered. This comic felt good. The art was beautiful and vibrant, the plot line flowed perfectly, easily blending flash backs with reality, and the characters were fresh and exciting. This comic felt like a buddy cop film. Power Girl as the impulsive power house with a tendency for violence and Huntress as the cool cop. It just fits. If this continues in the second issue, I will have to seriously consider adding it to my pull list. I wanted to hate it, but I can’t help but say good things about it. My one complain would be that they erased Helena Bertenelli completely from existence in favor of Earth 2’s Huntress, meaning that the primary earth has no Huntress. This fact is depressing as Helena was a solid character.

Until the next time, live long and prosper.


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