January Solicits Part 2- Anticipation

Yesterday I looked at what DC cancelled, where it fell, and theorized what might take the four cancelled title’s places. Today I discuss what I anticipate most about DC’s January Solicits, much like I’ve done since September’s solicits.

10. Batman: The Dark Knight #16. Ethan Van Sciver makes his debut as artist of the series come January. While I’m not a fan of the series, I’m a huge fan of his art. David Finch is moving on to better things, and now I get the chance to see one of my favorite artists take a crack at DC’s biggest character.

9. Demon Knights #16. While Paul Cornell leaves at issue 15, it was officially announced that Robert Venditti, the mastermind behind Valiants X-O Manowar relaunch will be taking charge. Given his experience with characters from the past, I think that Venditti is a superior choice for a replacement. Issue 15 has also been billed as creating a clean slate for issue 16, allowing Venditti to really hit the ground running.

8. Phantom Stranger #4. While this title has been performing unusually well for a Dan Didio series, it has yet to really impact the current DCU. That changes in January as we see Phantom Stranger interact with the Justice League Dark. It isn’t billed as a positive interaction, but it is guaranteed to not only unite Phantom Stranger with present day DC, but to start planting more seeds for Trinity War.

7. Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E/Legion Lost #16. Both are among the newest casualties of the New 52. While I was not actively interested in either, it is always a shame to see a series go, especially these series’. Both of which have survived two previous rounds of cancellation, weren’t so lucky this time. Both have quality teams, and have interacted with big events in the DCU (Rotworld/Culling).

6. Grifter/Stormwatch #16. While Stormwatch is not ending, the end of Grifter leaves only Stormwatch standing in the Wildstorm line up. It also appears that Stormwatch will play a pivotal role in the final issue of the series. On top of that, the cover shows a schism between Apollo and Midnighter. This could bear grave tidings for fans of Midnighter (such as myself) as it is looking very likely that he will not only leave Stormwatch, but become a villain. This would not only cripple Stormwatch, but would end one of DC’s only relationships to survive the New 52.

5. Blue Beetle #16/Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #1. Blue Beetle’s demise offers a clear future for the character. This future will be laid out in the New Guardian’s Annual (the solicit originally belonged to the Superman annual), and promises to not only introduce us to new alien lanterns but to take us on a journey in….

4. Threshold #1. The latest ongoing series in the New 52, Blue Beetle will play an active part in this series, along with many other cosmic DC characters. Keith Giffen was the architect of the popular Marvel cosmos, and with the kind of space characters DC’s got, not pun intended, floating around, chances are Giffen will strike gold again.

3. Team 7 #4. The Black Diamond hunt comes to ahead as DC introduces Eclipso into the New 52 continuity. While Team 7 faces them in the past, it does indeed mean that he’s around in the present. What exactly he wants, and where he is remains a mystery. What isn’t a mystery is this titles continued relevance in the DC Universe.

2. Superman/Supergirl/Superboy #16. H’el on Earth has been on my radar since it was first solicited, and it appears that it will change the status quo of the Superman universe. Superboy looks to take on Superman’s armor, as the Man of Steel returns to Morrisons T-Shirt and jean combo. Whatever happens to the Superman family, it’s certain to have profound impacts on the DC Universe as a whole.

1. Earth 2 #8. One of the best things about James Robinson’s E2 title is his ability to involve the reader with not only the present, but with the past as well. Issue 8 appears to reveal more information from the past as the Earth’s greatest fear comes true: The return of Steppenwolf. It also appears that Wonder Woman may have a darker history in this reality. Whatever happens, it’s bound to entice readers and continue to prove itself as one of the best titles in the entire line.

That’s what I anticipate most about January’s solicits, stay tuned tomorrow as I wrap up January’s solicits and state what it means for DC and the market itself.

Until the next time, January better hurry.


7 thoughts on “January Solicits Part 2- Anticipation

      • When I knew Grifter was a regular member of Team 7, I added it to my pull list blindfold. Issue # 0 was awesome, and the previews I saw for issue # 1 are even more promising. Team 7 rocks!

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